Administrator Manual
Advertising Campaigns

Within the branch “Managers” or “Advertisers” are visualised the advertising campaigns.
Campaigns entered at advertiser level are public for all resellers and managers unless otherwise specified by the filters in the campaign which allow specifying the domain, the gateway and the category.

The Context Dropdown Menu

By clicking with the right mouse button over the status bar, or pressing the context properties button , context dropdown menu is visualised with a series of options grouped by: default; Edit; Admin.

The “Default” Section

It contains the following opti:

Option Description
 Dashboard Selecting the branch, you are displayed the dashboard for the campaign with the following tile: main chart; context data; sold advertising; click; impression; click through rate.
For further details about the content of the various tiles, please refer to the “Tile Types of the Dashboards” paragraph.

The “Admin” Section

In addition to the standard ting options, it contains the following options:

Option Description
 Daily Summary of the Campaigns Shows a table with the daily report of the campaign results with the description of the campaign, number of impressions, impressions cost, number of clicks and clicks cost.

For further details, please refer to the “Advertising Campaigns” paragraph, in the “Administering the System” chapter.

Adding or Editing

Advertising campaign is inded as series of information necessary to post videos or pictures in the Welcome Portal to capture the attention of users who connect to HGW to display a specific content of products/services/events/etc.
To add a campaign, select the data tab, press the context properties button of the manager or the advertiser on which to place the campaign and click “ Add campaign”. While, to change a campaign, in the data tab, press the context button on campaign and click on “ Edit”. In both cases, you will be able to manage the following fields:

“General Data”


Field Description

ID of the record. Auto-assigned Identifier of the record. It can be used to use the API or external integrations.

It is displayed during editing phase of an existing data and not during insertion of a new record.

Description Short description of the campaign.
Frequency It defines the frequency of the campaign visualization. The priorities assigned to each frequency are the following: very low = 1; low = 2; medium low = 5; medium = 10; medium high = 15; high = 30; very high = 50; highest priority = 100. In practice, a campaign with ‘medium’ frequency appears statistically five times more than a campaign with priority ‘low’.
Timezone Defines the Timezone for the campaign. The entered value effects the start time, end time, the hours of the display of the campaign and the calculation o the daily cost.
Using this value, it is possible to parameterise international campaigns with different time zones than the one set in the system.
If you select “Use default”, it will consider the Timezone defined in the “ System Settings“.
Start Date Starting date of the campaign release.
End Date Ending date of the campaign release. If it is not defined, the campaign will last until the total assigned budget exhaustion or remaining funds charged in the transactions for the manager’s or advertiser’s campaigns.
Activation Hours

Defines the hours of display of the campaign. The campaign will be displayed during all the activated hours.

Scheduled hours depend on the selected Timezone.

Domain If defined, it displays the campaign only on this domain. The list shows only the domains of the same reseller.
Gateway If defined, it displays the campaign only on this gateway. The list shows only the gateways of the same reseller.
Category Reference category. If defined, displays the campaign only on certain categories of managers (e.g. only restaurants).
Destination URL Destination URL (default) for the users’ clicks

Prices and Amounts

Field Description
Total Budget Defines the maximum total budget to be spent for the campaign. If defined, there must be remaining funds charged in the transactions of advertising for the manager or advertiser. If not defined the campaign is limited at the residual amount charged for the manager or advertiser. In case the budget runs out, the campaign will be suspended automatically
Daily Budget It defines the maximum daily budget available to the campaign
Click Cost It defines the cost per click for the campaign
Impression Cost It defines the cost charged for each user’s impression to the campaign

Warning! For reason of performance optimization, especially in multi-link environments, the total and the daily budget is refreshed every 120 seconds. This delay has the advantage that it does not make up many resources in terms of CPU but has the disadvantage that can cause an overcoming, although limited, of the defined budgets.

Geolocation of the Campaign

Field Description
Address Reference address to calculate the GPS coordinates.
City Reference city to calculate the GPS coordinates.
Country Reference country to calculate the GPS coordinates.
Longitude Reference longitude of the campaign. Used to activate campaigns based on the distance from the gateways.
Latitude Reference latitude of the campaign. Used to activate campaigns based on the distance from the gateways.
Distance Distance expressed in meters from the gateway. To indicate that the distance is not limited and activate the campaign across all gateways, edit a zero value. If you define a distance, a campaign is displayed on all gateways present in the radius (expressed in km) calculated from the difference between the GPS coordinates of the campaign and those of the gateway.
Field Description
Notes for the Campaign Enter any notes to the campaign.
Suspend If enabled, suspends the campaign.


Warning! It is automatically suspended with the exhaustion of the total budget. If you have recharged, the campaign will have to be reactivated.


Field Description
Show to Anonimous Users If enabled, you will show the campaign also to users who have not been recognized by MAC address or have not logged in yet.
Filters for Profiling Users It allows you to define the filters that profile users enabled at the displaying of the campaign.
The campaign will be shown only to users who are recognized (via MAC address or that have performed the login) and who match the target defined by the filters.
The available fields for the filters are:


  • Date of Insertion;
  • City;
  • Country;
  • Email Address;
  • Gender;
  • Marketing Consent;
  • User Locked;
  • User ID;
  • Product ID;
  • Province or State;
  • Subscribed to Newsletter;
  • Year of Birth;
  • Postcode.


Welcome Portal Intro

The Intro, which is defined in a campaign, replaces the standard Intro that is defined in the template in use for the gateways and allows you to: view video or advertising images; define a URL for the redirection of clicks; define a minimum number of seconds to display.

Field Description
Intro Type Defines the type of Intro to be displayed in the Welcome Portal. Possible values are:


  • None;
  • Upload Image from file;
  • Static image;
  • Flickr image from Photo Set;
  • YouTube video;
  • External URL;
  • External MP4 video.
Image for the Intro Defines the image to show in the background of the Welcome Portal when in the Intro Type has been choosen “Upload Image from File”.
Static Image URL URL of the image to display or custom image variable (syntax: % %CustomImage:ImageID%).
Flickr Photo Set Flickr photo set that is assigned to the images to display.
YouTube Video ID List of YouTube videos IDs separated by commas. They will appear randomly.
External URL Define an external URL without the http:// prefix that contains the page you want to display in the intro.
For further explanations, please refer to see the “external URL” field of “ Templates“.
URL Defines a URL to redirect the user when Intro is clicked.
External Video URL Defines the URL of the external MP4 video to be displayed in the intro.


If case of CO.IN. it is recommended to upload the video in a domain that uses an http protocol, in this way it is provided to the clients from the cache, saving bandwidth.

Poster for the Video Defines the image displayed as poster when the video is not yet running.


The maximum size of the image is 500 KB.

Seconds of Visualisation Seconds of advertising visualization before the button to move to the Welcome Portal is displayed. With a negative value, it does not switch automatically to the Welcome Portal and it requires the user’s click.



Field Descriptions
Impression Time It defines the display time in seconds of the banners. A value equal to zero defines an infinite time.
In practice, the banners are displayed for the definite time and then new banners of another campaign are displayed.
Default time is 20 seconds.

Top Banner

Field Description
Top Banner Banner displayed on the upper side. Recommended size 700 x 100 pixels.
Banner Image Link Define a URL to redirect the user when the top banner is clicked.

Left Side Banner

Field Description
Left Side Banner Banners displayed on the left. Recommended size 200 x 720 pixel.
Banner Image Link Defines a URL to redirect the user when the banner on the left is clicked.

Right Side Banner

Field Description
Right Side Banner Banners displayed on the right. Recommended size 200 x 720 pixel.
Banner Image Link Defines a URL to redirect the user when the banner on the right is clicked.


Thanks to the CO.IN. tecnology (Content Injection) for Network Station, it is possible to inject advertising contents, information, etc. in the advertising campaigns, in the Welcome Portal and in all pages (not HTTPS) viewed by the user while browsing the web.
In this section, you can define whether to activate or not this function and the parameters that will influence user’s experience.
You can define multiple images and videos that will appear randomly as to vary the user experience.


Field Description
Injection Type Defines the type of contents to inject in users viewed pages while surfing.
The possible values are:


  • None;
  • Static image;
  • Video Youtube;
  • External URL;
  • External MP4 video.
Skip Button Seconds Number of seconds to display the advertising before showing the skip button.
YouTube Video ID List of YouTube video IDs separated by commas. They will be displayed randomly.

Defines the URL to redirect the user if he clicks the information icon at the top left in case you set “YouTube Video” in the “Injection type” field or declares the URL for the page to upload if you set “External URL” in the field “Injection type”.

Warning! If the external site contains links to other URL, the relating Walled Garden must be inserted otherwise users wont be able to see them.

Warning! The protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) between the visited page and the external URL must match. It is recommended to put always at the inserted URL a double bar // as to make use automatically the protocol HTTP or HTTPS as you have defined in the visualised page.

External Video URL Defines the external URL of the MP4 video to be displayed in the injection.


If case of CO.IN., it is reccomanded to upload the video in a domain that uses an HTTP protocol, in this way it is provided to the clients from the cache, saving bandwidth.

  • The format of the video must be MP4.
Poster for the Video Defines the image displayed as poster when the video is not yet running.


The maximum size of the image is 500 KB.

Image 1

Field Description
Image 1 First image displayed in the injection.
Position Defines the position in which to display the contents.
Possible values are:


  • Bottom
  • Top
  • Centre
  • Full screen
Size Size of the rectangle that contains the content to be displayed. Recommended dimensions are expressed as width x height
Possible values are:


  • 200 x 200;
  • 250 x 250;
  • 320 x 75;
  • 320 x 100;
  • 320 x 200;
  • 320 x 450;
  • 720 x 200;
  • 720 x 300;
  • 720 x 450.

Visible only in case you did not choose “Full screen” in the “Position” field.

URL Define a URL to redirect the user at the click of the image.
Image Image displayed in the injection.

Visible only if in the “Injection type” field, you set “Image”.

Image 2

Field Description
Image 2 Second image displayed in the injection.
Position As described for “Image 1”.
Size As described for “Image 1”.
URL As described for “Image 1”
Image Image displayed in the injection.

Visible only if in the “Injection type” field, you set “Image”.

Image 3

Field Description
Image 3 Third image displayed in the injection.
Position As described for “Image 1”.
Size As described for “Image 1”.
URL As described for “Image 1”
Image Image displayed in the injection.

Visible only if in the “Injection type” field, you set “Image”.


Field Description
Position As As described for “Image 1”, if in the “Injection type” field, you set “YouTube Video” or “External URL”.
Size As described for “Image 1”.
Image As described for “Image 1”.
Position Image displayed in the injection.

Visible only if in the “Injection type” field, you set “Image”.

The displayed external site can run the following JavaScript commands

Command Description
Hides the button to skip the injected contents.
Therefore, it prevents the user from closing the content injected
(‘SkipInjection’, ‘*’)
Closes the injected content. It acts as if the user clicks on the Close button.
For example, it can be useful to control the closing from the hosted site only when user has run certain operations.