Administrator Manual
General Options

It allows you to define all the basic information of the configuration for the proper functioning of the device.

General Info

Field Description
Company Name Enter the company name owner of Network Station.
Address Enter the address (Ex. Via Roma, 1234).
City Enter the city.
Province or state Enter the province or state.
Country Select the country.
Phone Enter the phone number (mobile or landline)..
Fax Enter the fax number.
Registered at Registrar of Companies of Indicate the place of registration of the company in the Registrar of Companies.
VAT-Id Number Enter the VAT number.
Web Address Website of the company that owns Network Station.



Allows defining the sectable languages in the backend login page

English (United States)

Field Description
Enable Enable or disable using the English (United States) language.
Image for the Flag Image displayed for the flag of the English (United States) language. It must have a size of 22×16 pixels.

English (United Kingdom)

Field Description
Enable Enable Enable or disable using the English (United Kingdom) language.
Image for the Flag Image displayed for the flag of the English (United Kingdom) language. It must have a size of 22×16 pixels.


Field Description
Enable Enable or disable using the Spanish language.
Image for the Flag Image displayed for the flag of the Spanish language. It must have a size of 22×16 pixels.


Field Description
Enable Enable or disable using the French language.
Image for the Flag Image displayed for the flag of the French language. It must have a size of 22×16 pixels.


Field Description
Enable Enable or disable using the German language
Image for the Flag Image displayed for the flag of the German language. It must have a size of 22×16 pixels.


Field Description
Enable Enable or disable using the Dutch language.
Image for the Flag Image displayed for the flag of the Dutch language. It must have a size of 22×16 pixels.


Field Description
Enable Enable or disable using the Croatian language.
Image for the Flag Image displayed for the flag of the Croatian language. It must have a size of 22×16 pixels.


Field Description
General Image of login Image displayed in the login page to log in the management area.
Dimensions must be 200×70 pixels.
Logo for Resellers Logo displayed at the top left in the area of management for
resellers. Dimensions must be 170×70 pixels.

Graphic Customization

Field Description
Backend Colors Defines the colors of the backend to be displayed to the users.
If you define a value other than “Use Default”, it diclares the
colors for all users and it will no longer be possible to customize
them for a single system user.
Custom CSS Enables you to customize the appearance of the admin area.
These settings are also definable at Manager level.

Welcome Portal


Field Description
Welcome Portal Template Default’s template of the Welcome Portal. The template declares
the contents and the graphics.
Template Color Scheme Color scheme to use for the selected template.

Privacy Policy

Field Description
Privacy Policy Enter any code of the privacy policy.
The possible variables are


  • %CompanyName% (manager’s company name);
  • %PrivacyPolicyRefreeName% (contact for manager’s privacy
  • %Version% (version of the contract);
  • %Date% (revision date).

Terms of Service

Field Description
Terms of Service Enter the terms of the service provided to the user. These conditions will be those that the users have to accept when registering in order to use the service.
The possible variables are:


  • %CompanyName% (manager’s company name);
  • %Address% (manager’s address);
  • %VAT% (manager’s VAT number);
  • %Web% (managers’ web address);
  • %EmailAddress% (manager’s email address);
  • %Phone% (manager’s telephone number);
  • %ContractPlaceOfJurisdiction% (manager’s register of companies);
  • %Version% (contract version);
  • %Date% (revision date).

These variables refer to the manager’s fields.