Administrator Manual
User Traffic Logs

The user traffic logging system (Syslog) is active by default on the Network Station system and allows to receive from enabled gateways (through the IP address defined in the configuration page of gateways) traffic data produced by users and automatically register it on the files in order you can carry out any checks, inspections and lawful interception (“lawful interception”).

In Italy, it is compulsory only for internet points or companies that provide hotspot connectivity service as their primary activity. Therefore, it is not needed for bars, restaurants, hotels, parks, etc.

As described in the compatibility section, this registration system requires gateways that are able to send users’ traffic to the IP address of Network Station on port 1514.

Warning! In general, the default port of the Syslog is 514, thus to send the LOGs to Network Station, you need to change the default port from 514 to 1514. Moreover, you have to open this port (both TCP and UDP) in your firewall to allow Network Station to receive the LOGs from the gateways.

The page displays a table, the list of daily files that contain the logs.

The available data of the columns are the following:


Field Description
Date and time Date and time of the file.
File name Name of the file.
Size Dimension of the file.

You can filter or sort the data as described in the “Tables” paragraph.

The Context Dropdown menu

By clicking the context properties button of the file, you expand the context dropdown menu with a range of options grouped by: edit; admin.

The “Admin” group

It contains the following options:

Option Description
Download It allows you to download the file containing the day’s logs.

Warning! If you have configured multiple Network Stations in Round Robin, files may be distributed in the various Network Stations. To get the complete data of the user traffic, it is necessary to access the individual Network Station and display the contents of all of them.