Administrator Manual

The page defines the characteristics of the products that can be used by users who log in to the service. The products will be assigned to the domains in order to define which will be purchasable or assignable to the users through the registration and purchase.
For further details, please refer to the “ The Domains” paragraph.

The Context Dropdown Menu

By clicking the context properties button , you expand the context dropdown menu that contains a range of options grouped by: edit.

Adding or Editing

To add a new product, select the data tab, press the context properties button of  of the level you need to add the product ( System, Reseller or Manager level). Select “ Products” and press “Add” on the command bar. While, to modify an exhisting product, press the context button of the product and select “ Edit”. In both cases, a page appears that allows you to manage the contents of the following fields:

General Data

Field Description
ID ID of the record. Auto-assigned Identifier of the record. It can be used to use the API or external integrations.It is displayed during editing phase of an existing data and not during insertion of a new record.
Product Name Name of the product.
Description for the User Description of the product to the user. This description appears to the user during the purchase.
Policy Select the policy to be associated with the product.The policies are coloured in base to their belonging level they belong to. In specific, manager’s product policies are displayed in white, reseller’s product policies are displayed in light blue and in yellow ochre the ones of the system.
Price List Reference price of the product applied to resellers and managers. At this price, you can apply the discount defined in the “Discount” field at the management page of resellers and managers. For further details on the “discount”, please refer to the “ The Resellers” and “ The Managers” paragraphs.
The manager, declaring it in the domain, defines the selling price to the users.
For further details, please refer to “ The Domains“.Available only if the user has permissions to manage the products.
Total Time Total time in minutes assigned to the product.
If defined, the user who buys the product has access to the internet for the maximum time defined in this field. After the consumption of the time, he will be disconnected and will fail to connect until the purchase of a new product.
It is not considered if the registration is not provided in the domain. For further details, please refer to the “Authentication Mode” in “ The Domains” paragraph.
A value equals zero, defines an unlimited time
Daily Time Maximum daily time in minute assigned to the product.
If defined, the user that purchases the product, will have access to the internet for the maximum daily time defined in this field. After the consumption of the daily time, he will be disconnected and will fail to connect until the following day.
Daily time can be defined also on the policy and if it is present on both sides, it will consider the one defined on the policy.
It is not considered if the registration is not provided in the domain.
For further details, please refer to the “Authentication Mode” in “ The Domains” paragraph.
Available from version HW 1.3
Monthly Time Maximum monthly time in minute assigned to the product.
If defined, the user that purchases the product, will have access to the internet for the maximum monthly time defined in this field. After the consumption of the monthly time, he will be disconnected and will fail to connect until the following month.
Monthly time can be defined also on the policy and if it is present on both sides, it will consider the one defined on the policy.
It is not considered if the registration is not provided in the domain.
For further details, please refer to the “Authentication Mode” in “ The Domains” paragraph.
A value equals zero, defines an unlimited time
Available from version HW 1.3.
Free Time Time in minutes for free navigation without the obligation to purchase for the user. After the consumption of the free time, the user will be disconnected and will need to purchase one of the payment products defined in the domain and with a price (“Products for the domain” group, in “ The Domains” paragraph).
It is not considered if the registration is not provided in the domain.
For further details, please refer to the “Authentication Mode” in “ The Domains” paragraph.
Total Traffic Mega bytes of total traffic assigned to the product.
If defined, the user who buys the product has access to the internet for the maximum traffic defined in this field. After the consumption of the traffic, he will be disconnected and will need to purchase one of the payment products defined in the domain and with a price (“Products for the domain” group, in “ The Domains” paragraph).
It is not considered if the registration is not provided in the domain.
For further details, please refer to the “Authentication Mode” in “ The Domains” paragraph.
A value equals zero, defines an unlimited traffic.

Warning! If you want to provide users with 10GB of traffic, you have to fill in this field with the value 10240 because 1Kbyte = 1024 byte.

Available from version HW 1.2.

Warning! Cisco WLC, Cisco Meraki, CloudTrax, Ruckus Access Point, Ruckus Zone director, Ruckus VSCG, Ruckus VSZ and Ubiquiti UniFi Controller types of hardware do not support automatic user disconnection upon reaching the defined traffic limit. Network Station can handle the disconnection if the gateways are reachable and in the configuration of the same, “Send Disconnection Requests to the Gateway” has been activated.

Daily Traffic Megabytes of daily traffic assigned to the product.
If defined, the user that purchases the product, will have access to the internet for the maximum daily traffic defined in this field. After the consumption of the daily traffic, he will be disconnected and will fail to connect until the following day.
Daily traffic can be defined also on the policy and if it is present on both sides, it will consider the one defined on the policy.
It is not considered if the registration is not provided in the domain.
For further details, please refer to the “Authentication Mode” in “ The Domains” paragraph.
A value equals zero, defines an unlimited traffic.
Warning! As described in the Total Traffic note, if you want to provide users with 10GB, you have to fill in this field with the value 10240.
Available from version HW 1.3
Warning! Cisco WLC, Cisco Meraki, CloudTrax, Ruckus Access Point, Ruckus Zone director, Ruckus VSCG, Ruckus VSZ and Ubiquiti UniFi Controller types of hardware do not support automatic user disconnection upon reaching the defined traffic limit. Network Station can handle the disconnection if the gateways are reachable and in the configuration of the same, “Send Disconnection Requests to the Gateway” has been activated.
Monthly Traffic Megabytes of monthly traffic assigned to the product.
If defined, the user that purchases the product, will have access to the internet for the maximum monthly traffic defined in this field. After the consumption of the monthly traffic, he will be disconnected and will fail to connect until the following month.
Monthly traffic can be defined also on the policy and if it is present on both sides, it will consider the one defined on the policy.
It is not considered if the registration
is not provided in the domain.
For further details, please refer to the “Authentication Mode” in “ The Domains” paragraph.
A value equals zero, defines an unlimited traffic.

Warning! As described in the Total Traffic note, if you want to provide users with 10GB, this field must be fill in with the value 10240.

Available from version HW 1.3

Warning! The Cisco WLC, Cisco Meraki, CloudTrax, Ruckus Access Point, Ruckus Zone director, Ruckus VSCG, Ruckus VSZ and Ubiquiti UniFi Controller types of hardware do not support automatic user disconnection upon reaching the defined traffic limit. Network Station can handle the disconnection if the gateways are reachable and in the configuration of the same, “Send Disconnection Requests to the Gateway” has been activated.

Free Traffic Megabytes of traffic for free navigation without the obligation to purchase for the user. After the consumption of the free traffic, the user will be disconnected and will need to purchase one of the payment products defined in the domain and with a price (“Products for the domain” group, in “ The Domains” paragraph).
It is not considered if the registration is not provided in the domain.
For further details, please refer to the “Authentication Mode” in “ The Domains” paragraph.

Warning! As described in the Total Traffic note, if you want to provide users with 10GB, this field must be fill in with the value 10240.

Warning! Cisco WLC, Cisco Meraki, CloudTrax, Ruckus Access Point, Ruckus Zone director, Ruckus VSCG, Ruckus VSZ and Ubiquiti UniFi Controller types of hardware do not support automatic user disconnection upon reaching the defined traffic limit. Network Station can handle the disconnection if the gateways are reachable and in the configuration of the same, “Send Disconnection Requests to the Gateway” has been activated.

Recover Residual When this product is used at the recharge, it recovers the residual time and traffic (total and not daily and/or monthlt) of the previous product. So, basically, if a user has bought a 60-minute product and used only 40, if the check is enabled and the user buys a new product with other 60 minutes, its new residual will be one hour and twenty minutes.
Enable Injection If activated, it enables the injection to the users to whom this product has been assigned.It is useful for example to not enable the injection with advertising contents to users who have paid products.
MikroTik Profile Associates the product to a “MikroTik HotSpot user’s profile”. It is used to automatically import users and assign the relating product. This feature is used for example to automatically create users generated by printers, apps or external tools compatible with MikroTik.
For further details, please refer to the integration with “Printers or Apps compatible with MikroTik” paragraph.
Mikrotik Address List If defined, it adds the IP address that will be assigned to users within the Address-List of the Mikrotik gateway.
Useful if you have to enter into the gateway some firewall rules by Address-List (i.e. IP groups) and/or to make traffic prioritization always by Address-List.You can define it also in the product policies and the value entered at policy level takes priority over any value entered in this field it.
External ERP/PMS Code ERP/PMS external code. It is used to associate the product with the registry of an external ERP/PMS management software.
If defined, it adds the IP address that will be assigned to users within the Address-List of the Mikrotik gateway.
Useful if you have to enter into the gateway some firewall rules by Address-List (i.e. IP groups) and/or to make traffic prioritization always by Address-List.


Field Description
Expiration Type Defines the calculation method of the expiration date for the product assigned to users.
The possible options are:

  • Unlimited (the product has no expiry date);
  • Days and hours (adds the days and hours of the connection expiration from the date of the first connection);
  • Days and hours end-of-month (adds the days and the hours of the connection expiration from the date of the first connection and brings the expiration date to the end of the month.
  • Months (considers the expiration months of the connection from the first connection date)
  • Months and end-of-month (considers the expiration months from the first connection date and brings the expiration date to the end of the month).
  • If the expiry date is set at zero, then the expiry date is calculated at the end of the current month. If it is defined a Month, the expiry date will be at the end of the following month.
  • One login

Warning! If the type of expiration is “Months and at the end of the month” and the field “Connection expiration months” is set at zero (months), the expiration date will be calculated at the end of the current month. If user connects on the 31st of the month, the expiry date will be on the 31st at 23:59:00 (11:59 p.m.). It is reccomanded to insert an expiration date by using the field “Days and hours at the end of the month” and specify the number of days. In this way if the current date is near the last days of the month, the expiration date will be set at the end of the following month.

If you chose “One login”, the user will be able to login only once. Further logins will require the assignment/purchase of a new product.

Days to Product Expiration Number of days to the expiration of the product from the date/time of the first connection done by the user. After the defined number of days/hours, the account will be no longer valid and the user will have to buy a new product to access the service.
In general, as life of the product, they are defined 365 days (1 year) or 180 days (6 months).
It is possible to enter also decimals, so if, for example, you want to enter one day and a half, you have to enter 1.5.

If you enter a negative value, the product expires upon activation. It can be of use, for example, to assign a generic product at the creation of a user manually made by the reception. It can be useful also in case of a generic product made via API. It forces the user to purchase or choose a product at the first login. If you choose “Months and End-of-Month” as Expiration Type, consider entering a negative value of at least 31 days otherwise the product may not expire (current date – 1 day end-of-month could be later than the current date/time).

The field is visible only if the type of expiration is set on “Days and Hours” or “Days and Hours End- of-Month”.

Hours to Product Expiration Number of hours to the expiration of the product from the date/time of the first connection done by the user.
It is possible to enter also decimals, so if, for example, you want to enter one hour and fifteen minutes, you have to enter 1.25.
As for the days, even for the hours you can enter a negative value in order to make it expire upon activation.

The field is visible only if the Expiration Type field is set on “Days and Hours” or on “Days and Hours End-of-Month”.

Connection Expiration Months Number of months of validity of the product from the date/hour of the first connection done by the user.

As for the days, even for the hours you can enter a negative value in order to make it expire upon activation.

The field is visible only if the Expiration Type field is set on “Months” or “Months and end-of-month”.

Send Notification of Upcoming Expiration Enables automatic sending of the notification of the pending expiry to users who have been assigned this product. The number of days’ notice and the message are defined in “ General Options“.

Field not displayed if the expiration type is “One login”

The Command bar

Contains the following options:

Option Description
Update the users Updates all users who have been assigned the current product. The upgrade provides the rewriting of the radius attributes and the updating of the expiration date according to the values defined in the product.If you change also the policy and you want to update the existing users, you have to press the “Update the policy to users already registered” button.
Update the policy to users already registered Updates all users with data of the policy defined for the current product. The update provides the rewriting radius attributes according to the data defined in the policyIf you change the product policy or if you modify the data of the policy, you have to press this button to update all existing users to whom you have already assigned the current product.