Administrator Manual
Users Administering the System

It allows you to manage users which can login to the system with the Administrator role and which have a total control of Network Station.

The “admin” user, with an “administrator” role and password “0000” (zero zero zero zero) is preloaded in the system and you cannot delete it. It is advisable to press the context button “admin” line and select “ Change password”, assign a new password and keep it in a safe place.

The Context Dropdown Menu

By clicking the context properties button of the user, you expand the context dropdown menu with a series of options grouped by: edit; Admin.

“Admin” Group

Contains the following options:

Option Description
 Change password

Allows you to change the password of the selected user.

The password complexity must be compliant with what defined in the “System Settings” on “Backend Security”

In the edit group, the option “ Delete” is not available for the “admin” user.

For the “admin” user, it is not possible to define permissions as he has the highest level.

Adding or Editing

To insert a new user, select the data tab, press the context properties button of “ System“, click on “ Admin System Users” and press the command bar “Add User”. To modify a user, press the user’s context button and click “ Edit”. In both cases, a page with these fields will be visualised:

General Data

Field Description
Username Username to use to log in.
Last and first name Last and first name of the user.
Phone Landline phone number.
Mobile phone Mobile phone number.
Type of contact Type of contract (technician, Administrative).
Backend Colors Defines the backend colors to be used for the user.

Not visible if the colors have been set in the “ General Options“.

E-mail address User’s email address.
Password Password for user.

Only visible if you are adding a new user.

The password complexity must be compliant with what defined in the “System Settings” on “Backend Security”

Repeat Password Password for user.

Only visible if you are adding a new user.

Permissions for the User

Permissions for the user allow you to define in detail what users can do as to manage data and functionalities in a safe way and in accordance with the desired specifications.

For each permission, you can define:

Attribute Description
Read Enables the user to read the information.If disabled, it automatically disables also all the other options.
Write Enables the user to modify the information.If disabled, it automatically disables also delete, add and admin.
Delete Enables the user to delete the data.If disabled, it automatically disables also admin.
Add Enables the user to add information.If disabled, it automatically disables also admin.
Admin Enables the user to completely manage the information If disabled, it automatically disables also all the other options.

Some options may be disabled because they are not helpful or cannot be managed because the current user does not have permission and cannot upgrade his level of permissions.

The available fields of this group are the following:

Field Description
System Users Defines the permissions for managing the system users (the data of this page).Admin enables the user to the management of permissions. If it is not active, the user is displayed “No permissions”.
System Info Defines the permissions for the “ System Information“.Visible only if you are creating a system user with administrator role.
Utility Functions Defines the permissions for the “ Utility Functions“.Visible only if you are creating a system user with administrator role.
Shutdown and Reboot Defines the permissions for shutting down and rebooting the appliances.Visible only if you are creating a system user with administrator role.
General Options Defines the permissions for the “ General Options“.Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator.
System Settings

Defines the permissions for the “ System Settings“.Admin enables the user to view and update the GUID.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator.

SSL Certificates Defines the permissions for the SSL certificates.
Currrency and Payment Systems Defines the permissions for Currency and Payment Systems.Admin enables the user to modify the prepaid for the manager and the test accounts for payments.
Notifications Defines the permissions for the notifications.
Tax Rates Defines the permissions for the tax rates.
Social Networks Defines permissions for managing options for social networks.In the Enterprise edition, it is also available for the reseller system users.
Static Routes Defines the permissions for managing options for the “ Static Routes“.Admin enables the user to the application of static routes.
Radius Federation (In &Out) Defines the permissions for managing the “ Radius Federation“.Admin enables the user to the application of federations.
System Log Defines permissions for the “ System Log“.
User Traffic Logs Defines permissions for user traffic logs (“ Syslog“) of all the gateways.
Documentation Defines permissions for the “ Documentation“.
Updates Defines the permissions for installing “ Updates“.Admin enables the user to install the updates.Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator.
Resellers Defines the permissions for resellers.
To the users with the “Admin” permission, it enables the management of:

  • Commission for advertising (only for users with administrator role);
  • Discount (only for users with administrator role);
  • Unit cost per SMS (only for users with administrator role);
  • Use account test;
  • Notes;
  • Blocked manager.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Managers Defines the permission for managers.
To the users with the “Admin” permission, it enables the management of:

  • Unit cost per SMS (only for users with administrator or reseller role);
  • Discount only for users with administrator or reseller role);
  • Total number of purchased SMS (only for users with administrator role)
  • Total number of sent SMS (only for users with administrator role);
  • Enables prepaid (only for users with administrator or reseller role);
  • Use account test;
  • Maximum number of “ Cards“/” Vouchers“;
  • Notes;
  • Blocked manager.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator, reseller or manager.

Domains Defines the permission for domains.
To the users with the “Admin” permission, it enables the management of:

  • Name;
  • Authentication modes;
  • Advertising;
  • Notes;
  • Blocked domain.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Domain’s Products Defines the permissions for the products of the domain.
Subject to permissions of the domain. Permission of the domain’s products cannot be higher than those of the domains.Visible only if you are creating a user system with the administrator, reseller or manager role.
Gateways Defines the permission for gateways.
To the users with the “Admin” permission, it enables the management of:

  • Name of the gateway;
  • Activate logs;
  • IP address;
  • Hardware type;
  • Version of the gateway RouterOS;
  • Maximum number of users;
  • Advertising;
  • Notes;
  • Blocked gateway;
  • All fields for the configuration script of the gateway.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Bypass or Lock IP/MAC Address Defines the permissions for the bypass or the lock of the IP/MAC Address.
Users Traffic Logs of Gateways

Defines the permissions for the users traffic logs (Syslog) in the gateways. If you enable

Admin, the user will be able to activate or not the Syslog in the gateway data.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator, reseller or manager.

Printers Defines the permissions for the printer.
To the users with the “Admin” permission, it enables the management of:

  • Printer Locked;

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator, reseller or manager.

Users Defines permissions for users.
To the users with the “Admin” permission, enables the management of:

  • IP address to be assigned to the router;
  • IP address of the Wi-Fi antenna;
  • Hardware type;
  • Version of the gateway RouterOS.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Users Passwords Defines permissions for the users’ passwords.
If Read permission is not enabled, user cannot display, edit or export the users’ passwords.
Sales to Users

Defines permissions for the sales to users.

Users, with “Admin” permission, are also able to recharge the prepaid credit of the managers without purchasing it via PayPal.

“Write” permission is not enabled because it is not allowed to modify transactions.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Displays Amounts Displays the amounts derived from sales.
If the system users have no permissions, they will be not able to: display the sales summary; export the sales; view the amounts in the dashboard; view values in campaign results.

Defines permission for “ Cards“.

“Write” permission is not enabled because it is not allowed to modify cards.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.


Defines permission for “ Vouchers“.

“Write” permission is not enabled because it is not allowed to modify vouchers.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Custom Apps Defines permission for custom Apps.Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.
Custom images Defines permission for custom images.Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.
Templates Defines permission for templates.Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Defines permission for translations.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Product policies Defines permission for the product policies.Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Defines permission for products.Admin enables the user to management of the product price.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Enable download gateway configuration

Enables the user to download the configuration file of the gateways.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Export data Enable the user to export data of:

  • Users’ data;
  • Logs of users’ connections.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Surveys Defines the permissions for surveys.Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator, reseller or manager.
Advertisers Defines permission for the advertisers.
To the users with the “Admin” permission, enables the management of:

  • Notes;
  • Blocked advertiser.

Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or reseller.

Enable Public Campaigns for Advertisers Enables the user to change the field in advertisers that defines whether campaigns are public or private.Visible only if you are creating a system user with the role of administrator or advertiser.
Ad Campaigns Defines permission for the adverting campaigns.
To the users with the “Admin” permission, enables the management of:

  • Description;
  • Frequency;
  • Start date;
  • End date;
  • Domain;
  • Gateway;
  • Category;
  • Cost-per-click;
  • Cost-per-view;
  • Address;
  • City
  • Country;
  • Longitude;
  • Latitude;
  • Distance;
  • Notes;
  • Suspend;
  • Type of introduction.
Advertising sales Defines permission for sales transactions of advertising.
Users with “Admin” permission, are able to recharge the prepaid credit of the manager or advertisers Advertising without purchasing it via PayPal.“Write” permission is not enabled because it is not allowed to modify transactions.

Warning! If you change the permissions of the current user, to make changes take effect, you must log in to the system again.

If the user has no permissions to read any of the options in the “Admin” menu (System Users, General Options, System Settings, Currency and Payment Systems, Social Networks, Static Routes, Radius Federation, System Log, Users Traffic Log, Documentation, Updates), the “Admin Tab” will be automatically hidden.

API Credentials

Network Station allows you to receive secure outside calls to the REST API infrastructure. To be able to perform it you need to have an “API key” and an “API secret” assigned to each user through the following fields.
To see how to make REST API calls, please see chapter “Integrate external applications through REST API calls “.
The available fields of this group are the following:

Field Description
API usage Enable or disable the usage of the APIs.
If “No” has been defined, the APIs calls can not be performed using the user’s API key.
Maximum Hourly Cost per API 1 It allows limiting the usage of APIs version 1 on a hourly basis by defining a maximum cost. Many API endpoints have a cost of one, but some of them, requiring more resources for processing, have a much higher cost. Please refer to the Administrator Manual for the fee of each endpoint. A value of zero does not restrict the use of the APIs
Maximum Daily Cost per API 1 It allows limiting the usage of APIs version 1 on a daily basis by defining a maximum cost. Many APIs endpoints have a cost of one, but some of them, requiring more resources for processing, have a much higher cost. In the Please refer to the Administrator Manual for the fee of each endpoint. A value of zero does not restrict the use of the APIs
Maximum Hourly Cost per API 2 It allows limiting the usage of APIs version 2 by defining the maximum cost in minutes of hourly processing of the endpoints. A value of zero does not restrict the use of the APIs.
Maximum Daily Cost per API 2 It allows limiting the usage of APIs version 2 by defining the maximum cost in minutes of hourly processing of the endpoints. A value of zero does not restrict the use of the APIs.
API Key Defines the API access key and must always be passed with calls.
API Secret Defines the security code used for API access also to encrypt transmitted data. Do not disclose these data.

By pressing the “Change password” button on the command bar leads to a page that allows you to change the password.

The available fields are as follows:

Field Description
Password Password for user.
Only visible if you insert a new user.
Repeat Password Password for user.
Only visible if you insert a new user.